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EUROCANICROSS 2003 bude v Polsku 4. - 5. 10. 2003 (24198)
2003-07-23 08:11:01 Krejčí Jiří - rubrika Informace o závodech
Zatím nemáme překlad, tak je to v podobě jak to přislo. Jenom doplňuji, že Eurocanicross je neoficiální ME v letních individuálních disciplínách (tj. vše s jedním psem). Následuje pozvánka a stručná pravidla, jak je předepisuje pořadatel.

European Canicross and Bikejoring/Scooter Championship
3-4-5 October 2003


Dear Friends,
We would like to invite you to our beautifull country to enjoy together this wonderful sport. We send also some photos of our region - Masovia.

There are no international recognized rules, you will have the opportunity to compete in a Euro race with different age categories (including juniors) and we will take the dogs weight into account.
Also a new trail will be prepared for each race.
We warm invite you to come.

With sportive regards,
Małgorzata Szmurło
President of Biały Kieł Club
President of Polish Open Union of Sleddog Sports Association

European canicross and bikejoring/scooter championship
I. Team-leaders, as well as isolated competitors must come to the welcome within the assigned time limit in order to fetch their documents (number, list, departure timetable)
-Opening: Friday, October 4 th from 2 P.M. to 10 P.M.
-The welcome will be definitely closed on Friday, October 4 th at 10 P.M.
-Exceptional reopening of the welcome in case of absolute necessity :
Saturday, October 5 th , from 8.00 to 9.00 A.M.

II. The event is played in 2 rounds. Each participant will be ranked by adding the time made in each round. Participants must run with the same dog.
a. canicross:
-1 st round (sprint) ~~2,5 - 3 km
-2 nd round (long distance) ~~ 6 km
b. bikejoring and scooter (1 dog):
-1 st round: ~~ 6 km
-2 nd round : ~~6 km
c. duathlon :
- 1 st round : canicross ~~ 2,5 km + bikejoring ~~ 6 km
- 2 nd round : canicross ~~ 6 km + bikejoring ~~ 6 km
d. children:
- 500 m ; 800 m ;
e. juniors :
- 1 km (or 800 m) ; 3 km (~~2,5 km) ; 6 km

N.B. An athlete inscribed in both disciplines (duathlon) must use a different dog in each discipline.

III. The title of European Champion will only be attributed in the following categories: juniors, seniors, elders and veterans.
It will not be given in both children categories (6/7/8 and 9/10/11 years old). The children obtaine the title: Friendship Trophy-Eurocanicross 2003, not that European Champion.
The event is open for all. Nevertheless, only athletes who are members of a national federation can claim a title or a place on the podium.

IV. The bibs will be chosen by drawing lots.
-Order for departures :
a. 1 st round: canicross, bikejoring, scooter : individually, following order of the numbers
b. 2 nd round:
-bikejoring, scooter: individually following the order of time made during the 1 st round
-canicross: mass start, by categories

V. The relay trials will be held at the end of the individual competitions. The teams will be constituted of three participants from the same nationality.
Distance: 3 times 1km.

VI. Age categories
a. Children and juniors categories:
- from 6 to 8 years (born in 1997-1995) , girls and boys together ; 500 m ; award : Friendship Trophy
- from 9 to 11 years (born in 1994-1992), girls and boys together ; 800 m ; award : Friendship Trophy ;
- from 12 to 13 years (born in 1991-1990), girls and boys separately ; 1 km (or 800 m)
- from 14 to 15 years (born in 1989-1988), girls and boys separately ; 3 km (~~2,5 km)
- from 16 to 17* years (born in 1987-1986), girls and boys separately ; 6 km
*It means - to the day of the 18 birthday.

The weight of the dog will not be taken into account in the children and juniors categories.
For the security reason the children born between 1992-1997 are allowed to run accompanied.
The helping adult may not run in front of the child. Holding the child by the hand is forbidden excepted in case of emergency.
b. adults: 12 categories
I. men born between 1985 (from the date of 18-in birthday) and 1968 - dogs weighing more than 25 kg
II. men born between 1985 (from the date of 18-in birthday) and 1968 dogs weighing less than 25 kg
III. women born between 1985 (from the date of 18-in birthday)and 1968 - dogs weighing more than 25 kg
IV. women born between 1985 (from the date of 18-in birthday)and 1968 dogs weighing less than 25 kg
elders :
V . men born between 1967 and 1954 - dogs weighing more than 25 kg
VI. men born between 1967 and 1954 - dogs weighing less than 25 kg
VII. women born between 1967 and 1954 - dogs weighing more than 25 kg
VIII. women born between 1967 and 1954 - dogs weighing less than 25 kg
veterans :
IX. men born in 1953 and before - dogs weighing more than 25 kg
X. men born in 1953 and before - dogs weighing less than 25 kg
XI. women born in 1953 and before - dogs weighing more than 25 kg
XII. women born in 1953 and before - dogs weighing less than 25 kg

Remark: the dogs will be weighed, every athlete must show a valid identity document (healt book whit chip number); the categories concerning the weight of the dog will only be maintained if 2 criteria are met:
1) at least 5 athletes inscribed
2) at least 2 nations represented
If it is not the case, the age category will be maintained without taking into account the weight of the dog.

Bikejoring: 4 categories
1) men
2) women
3) juniors boys
4) juniors girls
the weight of the dog will be no taken into account.

Scooter (1-dog) : 2 cathegories
1) men (from 1987)
2) women (from 1987)
The age of the competitor, nor the weight of the dog will be no taken into account.

VII. During official moments only one national flag can be displayed. The other flags are strictly forbidden. If other flags are displayed, the whole team will be disqualified.

VIII. Inscriptions
the inscriptions and their fees must reach our federation before September the 15 th .
IX. Insurance
The individualy insurance is necessary.

X. Others
a. The general IFSS Rules , especially Animal Welfare, be applied. The following vaccinations are requested :
rabies, canis distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, kennel cought, parvovirosis. The healt book will be checked during veterinary control. Each dog have to be chipped.
b. The length of the leash may not exceed 2.5 m in extension. It will be checked.
c. When starting, both partners (dog + human) must stand behind the line.
d. The inscription to the Eurocanicross implies that you accept the rules.
e. Any point of contention or that has not been foreseen in these rules will be handled by the college of Race Marshal, all Judges and team leaders.
Krejčí Jiří

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